Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I got my wish

So yesterday as I headed out on my "secert training ride" like I do every day it was about 32 degrees.........when I got home it seemed like it was 2 fucking degrees. When I rode to work this morning it was 15 degrees. My legs actually got cold for once.......I guess I will have to wear more than leg warmers next time.

Long story short. Work has been a bit boring today so my mind has done some searching. Maybe searching is not the right word but I am working with a limited vocabulary here so it will have to do.

Kind of makes riding in the cold a little more worth while...

That was a good day. Poor Zack he looks really tired.

Everybody starts somewhere..

Little buddy is responsible for the jersey design

Does the words "Land Grant Institution" mean anything to anyone?

Thanks Gov Blunt! Do you want to come over to my house and take a shit in the front yard?

Oh and the Tigers(Land Grant Institute) beat KU(Land Grant Institute). You know it really sucks being a fan. I know my heart will be broken come saturday when we play KSU (Land Grant Institute).

I am totally addicted to blogs. I used to love message boards but now it is blogs. I love it! I read all these blogs of all these people training routines and everything else and it is just fucking great. I think I am going to cancel the satellite and just read blogs from now on.

Oh, I have been working on my basement a ton. It is just great. I get a image in my head of what I want to build and...........3 yrs and $10K later it is done. Sometimes I wish I could drop the Internet Software gig and just build things. Man that would just kick ass.

In other news: Bubba is still alive.